our blog

The lowdown on new launches, guides on how to sleep better, skincare and wellness tips, exciting events and awards news. We may have the odd treat in here for you, too. So what are you waiting for? Get reading...

targeted care for your lower body

In the second blog of our targeted body+care series, Rachel Hubbard helps you take better care of your lower body with expert tips and effective movement.

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flip into focus with cyclical hyperventilation

breathwork techniques for stress relief

Calm the nervous system with breathwork techniques that help take the body from 'fight or flight' to 'rest and digest'.

mindful movement for menopause and beyond

We sit down with Rachel Hubbard, fitness coach, mum of four and expert in health and fitness education who shares her wisdom on how to stay well through movement this winter and the scientifically-proven exercise you can do to manage back pain, menopause and more.

the neuroscience of success

<span>Do you find it hard to stay motivated? We discuss the science behind setting (and sticking to) your goals and share tips on how to make 2023 your most successful year yet. </span>

how the gut microbiota affects the skin

Guest Blog from Symprove by Nutritional Therapist and author of Happy Gut, Happy Mind Eve Kalinik.

sleep easy with aromatherapy

A good night’s sleep is the ultimate healer and diffusing essential oils could be just what you need to supercharge your sleep and boost restoration. Read on to discover the benefits of aromatherapy before bedtime and how catching more Zzzs could be as simple as taking a deep breath.

how to harness your powerful sense of smell everyday

the science of gratitude

They say it's better to give gifts than to receive them. It’s not all about the presents we try to remind ourselves…well, actually, when it comes to neuroscience, it kind of is. Find out how practicing gratitude this festive season can help you prolong that feel-good dopamine response and share in the joy.

how to cope with the clock change, with This Works and Lumie